How to get sinking simulator 2 to work
How to get sinking simulator 2 to work

(1) given in the introduction (show your work) and also record B & Wapparent given by the simulator. Each time calculate the volume of displaced fluid, using Eq.

how to get sinking simulator 2 to work

4) Set the percent of the object submerged to 20%, and up to 50 % in increments of 10 %. Notice in the graph of the simulator that the red dot represents the apparent weight and the blue dot represents the buoyancy, also the values are displayed in the simulator. Now, in the simulator, set the percent of block submerged to 10 % and record the simulator value for B and Wapparent. Accordingly, calculate the apparent weight Wapparent using Eq. (4) given in the introduction 3) If 10 % of the object is submerged in the fluid, calculate the buoyant force B, using Eq. Calculate the actual weight of the block, Wactual, using Eq. If the object is totally outside the fluid and at equilibrium, then B = 0 N and using equation 2 for the apparent weight we get T = Wapparent = Wactual +0 = Wactual (5) Keep all the default settings (do not click show scale at the bottom) density of the block = 2000 Kg/m?, Volume of block = 1000 cm' and fluid density = 600 kg/m?. 2) Notice the upper spring scale will reads the apparent weight of the block (object). Part 1: Apparent weight and buoyancy 1) Open the simulator apparent weight.html Note: The simulator uses g=10m/s instead of 9.81 m/s?.

#How to get sinking simulator 2 to work free#

Does this verify your answer to the question of step 77 Click Show free body diagram and verify your free body diagram for step 7. Keep the density of the object Pobject = 5 g/cm!. 8) Set the density of the fluid Pfluid = 4 g/cm". 5) What is the condition necessary for an object to float at the surface of a fluid (partially submerged)? 6) What is the condition necessary for an object to be suspended inside a fluid (totally submerged)? 7) What do you expect the condition for the object to sink all the way to the bottom of the beaker to be? Draw a free body diagram for this case. After you verify, uncheck the option of show free body diagram. What happens? Click Show free body diagram and verify your free body diagram for step 3. 4) Now in the simulator, set the density of the object Pobject = 5 g/cm'. Show the equations and your calculations. 3) If the density of the object is equal to the density of the fluid, use the free body diagram and Newton's 2nd law (as in step 1) to calculate the fraction of volume of the object that will be submerged relative to the total volume of the object.

how to get sinking simulator 2 to work

In the simulator, click show free body diagram and verify your free body diagram for step 1.

how to get sinking simulator 2 to work

Compare your calculated value for the part of the volume of the object submerged with the value measured and displayed by the simulator. After the object becomes stable, click pause. Keep all the default settings: Pobject = 2 g/cm & Pfluid=5g/cm Click Run. Show the free body diagram and all the derivations of the equations. (3) and (4) given in the introduction, calculate the fraction of the volume of the part of the object that will be submerged relative to the total volume of the object.

how to get sinking simulator 2 to work

If the rod holding the object submerged is taken away, what do you expect to happen to the object? In this case, & using Newton's second law and Eqs. Consider the object in figure 5, with density, Pobject = 2 g/cm placed in a fluid of density Pfluid=5 g/cm. Let's study the case where the object is floating and not suspended by a string. Transcribed image text: Part 2: Special cases, floating, suspended, & sinking 1) In the previous case we discussed the case of a block at equilibrium, suspended by a string and partially or fully submerged in a fluid.

How to get sinking simulator 2 to work